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Sony Interactive Entertainment

PlayStation Web Store

PlayStation's first ever browser-based web store

In 2014, I designed the PlayStation Store online, which was the brand's first ever webstore. As one of the core designers for the store across platforms, we were able to leverage navigation flows for browse, search, and checkout from the console design and apply the lions share of it to the web version. These are a selection of final visuals from the design process.

In 2014, I designed the PlayStation Store online, which was the brand's first ever webstore. As one of the core designers for the store across platforms, we were able to leverage navigation flows for browse, search, and checkout from the console design and apply the lions share of it to the web version. These are a selection of final visuals from the design process.









Power nav sorted by platform + other metadata

Dropdown nav

Power nav sorted by platform + other metadata

Historical search
Historical search

Search w visual history

Games grid

Games grid

Product detail page

Product detail page

Want to know more? For detailed case studies, contact me directly

Want to know more? For detailed case studies, contact me directly

Want to know more? For detailed case studies, contact me directly