Home screen with nav
Home screen with nav

Sony Interactive Entertainment

PlayStation Store

An all-new purchase and download experience on console

Demand for direct downloads was increasing, but very few PSN players visited the Playstation’s store on console—it was rarely updated and finding anything was painfully difficult, resulting in poor sales volume. The PlayStation Store on console was redesigned to make shopping fun, intuitive, and efficient. This was a 0 to 1 release within 9 months—an unheard of timeline for where Sony was at the time—to an overwhelmingly positive response, increasing downloadable game revenue by 350% and PS Plus subscriptions by 115% in its inaugural year.

Demand for direct downloads was increasing, but very few PSN players visited the Playstation’s store on console—it was rarely updated and finding anything was painfully difficult, resulting in poor sales volume. The PlayStation Store on console was redesigned to make shopping fun, intuitive, and efficient. This was a 0 to 1 release within 9 months—an unheard of timeline for where Sony was at the time—to an overwhelmingly positive response, increasing downloadable game revenue by 350% and PS Plus subscriptions by 115% in its inaugural year.









Store home with navigation
Store home with navigation

Store home with slideout navigation

Specific challenges and opportunities:

  • Rebuilding the entire creative asset library with high fidelity images and videos

  • Creating a modular design system to accommodate global business units' needs based on customer data

  • Designing a flexible system to accommodate legacy/expired titles with little metadata

  • Creating a common checkout flow across platforms which was also available on third party stores selling PlayStation DLC

  • Creating a localization framework to accommodate multiple languages, currencies and business laws

  • Modernizing the PlayStation brand

What's Hot carousel

Over a hundred layouts were created with a 'mosaic' tile system

Branded carousel

Content grid created on metadata values

Branded content grid

Product detail page

The new store was designed and released in just over 9 months, and was met with an overwhelmingly positive response, increasing downloadable game revenue by 350% and PS Plus subscriptions by 115% in its inaugural year.

The PlayStation Store on PlayStation 4 is far and away the best iteration of the store yet.”

The PlayStation Store on PlayStation 4 is far and away the best iteration of the store yet.”

- Engadget

Want to know more? For detailed case studies, contact me directly

Want to know more? For detailed case studies, contact me directly

Want to know more? For detailed case studies, contact me directly